Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about RB8

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We’ve listed answers to FAQs we receive from RB8 users.


Can I assign a new resource to jobs already entered into RB8’s calendar?

If you want to assign a new resource to a previous job, you can do it by using the Resource Availability feature.

  1. In RB8, click Calendar > Resource Availability.
  2. Click Actions, or right-click on the empty grid, and select Create Availability.
  3. In the Create Availability window, click the binoculars button to search for and select the resource that you want to create availability for.
  4. In the Date From pop-up date navigator, pick a date in the past, such as the earliest job date that you want to assign the resource to.
  5. Click OK. In the pop-up that appears, click OK again. You can now assign the resource to jobs in the past.

Video instructions

After creating resource availability for the earlier time, you can assign the resource to the desired job(s). For more instructions, refer to the RB8 User Guide, p. 91 or this video.

How do I add 3rd-party billing information to a job in the Calendar?

Save your billing department time and reduce errors by entering any 3rd-party billing information for a job into the Calendar Manager.

  1. In RB8, click Calendar > Calendar Manager.
  2. Use the fields in the Search Criteria pane to find the job you want to add billing information to. Then, double-click the job listing in the results pane.
  3. In the Job window, click Parties.
  4. By default the scheduling party is listed under Firms. To add 3rd-party billing information to the scheduling party, double-click the party listing.
  5. In the Job Party window, click Billing Info.
  6. Uncheck the Same as Sold To box.
  7. Click the binoculars button next to the Bill To Contact field.
  8. In the Lookup Contact window, click the pencil eraser button at the bottom of the Search Criteria pane. Then search for and select the 3rd-party contact. If you do not find the contact in your system, click New to add the new contact on the fly.
  9. After highlighting the contact and clicking Select, RB8 will automatically add the Bill To Firm for the selected Bill To Contact. You can now enter Claim No., Name of Insured, Date of Loss and any Direct Billing Notes in the appropriate fields.
  10. Click Save and Close.

Video instructions

How do I merge cases when I have duplicates?

  1. In RB8, click Calendar > Case Manager.
  2. In the Case Manager window, search for the duplicate case (the one you want to merge into another case with the same or similar name) using the fields in the Search Criteria pane.
  3. Right-click the case in the results pane and select Merge To.
  4. In the Lookup Case window, search for the case that you want to merge the duplicate into. Highlight it and click Select.
  5. In the pop-up message that appears, click Yes.

The cases will merge, and all previous jobs and invoices tied to the duplicate case will now appear with the retained case.

Video instructions

How can I add a party to a case, including previous jobs on the case, automatically?

  1. In RB8, click Calendar > Case Manager.
  2. Input part of the case name in the Search Criteria pane’s Case Name field and click Search.
  3. Double-click the case in the results grid.
  4. In the Case window, click Parties.
  5. On the Parties tab, click New.
  6. In the New Party window, click the binoculars button next to Contact, then search for the contact in the Lookup Contact window. Highlight the contact listing and click Select.
  7. In the New Party window, the When jobs are created, automatically add to the job parties box is checked by default. This will add this contact to all future jobs on the case.
  8. Click Save and Close.
  9. To add the party to all previously created jobs on the case, highlight the party in the Case window and click Add to All Linked Jobs.
  10. In the pop-up message that appears, click OK.

Video instructions

How can I add Firm and/or Contact notes that pertain to calendar settings so they will automatically appear on Resource Worksheets?

If you have information about a firm or contact, such as special procedures your reporters must follow when working with them, you can automatically include that information on Resource Worksheets for any jobs for that firm or contact.

  1. To add calendar notes that will automatically appear on Resource Worksheets:
    • For firms, click Setup > Firms.
    • For contacts, click Setup > Contacts.
  2. In the Search Criteria pane, enter information for one (or more) of the filters, then click Search.
  3. Double-click the desired firm or contact.
  4. Click the Additional tab, and enter the calendar notes in the Calendar Notes field.
  5. Click Save and Close to save your changes.

After resources are notified of their jobs, how can I keep up with which resources have acknowledged their jobs?

If you have RB Web 8, resources can acknowledge jobs by viewing assigned jobs in their RB Web Calendar and clicking Acknowledged at the bottom of each job’s details screen. If you do not have RB Web 8, and resources call in to acknowledge jobs, you enter the acknowledge date manually.

  1. In RB8, click Calendar > Assign Resources.
  2. Select the job date range, then click Search. If you have RB Web 8, the jobs appear with date and time stamps under Acknowledged.
  3. If you do not have RB Web 8, right-click on a job and select Resource Call-in.
  4. Check the Acknowledged box and select the exact date and time.
  5. Click OK to save your changes.

How can I notify all of my reporters to see who is available for a job?

After entering a job in RB8’s calendar, you can send out a blast email and/or blast SMS message to see who’s available.

  1. In RB8, click Calendar > Resource Blast.
  2. In the Search Criteria pane, enter your job number and click Search.
  3. All resources are listed. Use the Search Criteria pane to further filter your search results if needed.
  4. Right-click anywhere on the list and select Check All.
  5. Right-click anywhere on the list and select:
    • Send Email – A default email appears in the Send Email window containing job details.
    • Send SMS – A default text message appears in the Send SMS window containing job details.
  6. Edit as needed, then click Send.

To set up the blast email and SMS messages, click Tools > System Preferences. Click the Resource Blast tab, then edit the fields and click OK. (You must belong to the RB8 Administrator security group.)

How can I set up attaching additional file types when emailing resource worksheets?

If your resources need files other than Notices, such as exhibits that came directly to the office, you can now select any pertinent file type to send. Allowed file types must be set up in System Preferences first. (You must belong to the RB8 Administrator security group.)

  1. In RB8, click Tools > System Preferences.
  2. Click the Worksheet Email tab.
  3. In the Attachment File Type section, click Add/Remove. Check the Add box for the additional file type(s) you want to add, then click Save and Close.

A deposition that was not transcribed originally now has an order placed for the O&1. How can I note the job as being backordered?

RB8 automatically tracks the status of jobs as they proceed through your system. However, when there is a change in the normal workflow of a job, such as a client calling with a backorder for an old job that was never transcribed, you can manually change the job’s status in Calendar Manager.

  1. In RB8, click Calendar > Calendar Manager.
  2. In the Search Criteria pane, enter information for one (or more) of the filters, then click Search.
  3. Double-click the job that needs to be updated.
  4. Change the Order Date field on the job to the date the client called in to order the transcript.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Actions > Change Status > Back Order Job.
  7. Enter any remarks in the Change Job Status window, then click OK.
  8. Click Save and Close. The job now appears in the Jobs in the Progress Report under the assigned resource with its job status listed as Back Order.

If you have RB Web 8, the job now appears in the Turn in section for the assigned resource so they can turn in the job through RB Web 8 with the ASCII attached.


How do I make a one-time pay adjustment?

  1. In RB8, click Payables > Pay Adjustments.
  2. Click Actions (or right-click on the grid), then choose New.
  3. In the New Pay Adjustment window, enter the following information:
    • Resource – Click the binoculars button to select the resource.
    • Amount – Enter the adjustment amount (e.g., “15.00” or “-25.00”). Negative amounts reduce the resource’s pay.
    • Remarks – Enter the description for this adjustment.
  4. Click Save and Close.

Video instructions

Can I deduct a set amount from a resource’s payroll within a specific date range?

  1. In RB8, click Setup > Resources.
  2. In the Search Critera pane, enter the resource’s name and click Search.
  3. In the results grid, double-click the resource.
  4. In the Resource window, click Pay Info and enter the following information:
    • Recurring Amount – Enter the amount you want to regularly deduct as a negative number.
    • Recurring From – Enter the date you want to start deducting the amount.
    • Recurring To – Enter the end date for deducting the recurring amount.
  5. Click Save and Close.
  6. Click Payables > Pay Adjustments. Pay Date defaults to the next pay date. Change the date if needed.
  7. Right-click on the grid and select Generate Recurring Deductions. Any recurring deductions that apply to the selected Pay Date appear.

Video instructions

Form Manager

How can I create my own Resource Worksheets for different types of jobs?

RB8 comes with a set of default forms, including a basic Resource Worksheet. In RB8’s Form Manager, you can edit the Standard Resource Worksheet and create additional Resource Worksheets to use for different types of resources covering different types of jobs. The easiest way to create additional resource worksheets is to start with an existing worksheet.

  1. In RB8, click Tools > Form Manager.
  2. Click File > Open.
  3. In the Type drop-down, choose Resource Worksheet, then select Standard Resource Worksheet and click Open.
  4. The Standard Resource Worksheet opens on the left in a Word-like interface. You can make changes in formatting, text, layout, etc. as you would in Word.
  5. On the right side of the screen, the Data Source pane lists merge data fields that are appropriate for the current form type (i.e., Resource Worksheets). To add a field to the form, insert your cursor in the form where you want the new information, then double-click the field name under Data Members. The merge field name appears in the form surrounded by curly brackets {}.
  6. To remove a data field from the form, move the cursor over the field in the form. The cursor changes to a hand. Click to highlight, then press Del.
  7. To change the company logo or other graphic, click the image to highlight, then press Del. Click Insert > Image, locate your new graphic and click Open.
  8. Click File > Save As, then enter your new form’s name in the Form Name field and click Save.

If your company logo or graphics don’t print, right-click on the image, then click the Saving Options tab. Under Saving Style, click Export image and embed file reference. Click OK.


Selecting Save As saves the new worksheet with a new form name and does not overwrite your existing worksheet. (You must belong to the RB8 Administrator or Forms Manager security group for access to Form Manager.)

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