Category Archives: Reports

See how well your company is hitting productivity goals

Analyze productivity by item, step, manager, or resource if you use RB9 tracking

Document your daily progress

Generate reports of all jobs with completed tracking steps within a specified period

Analyze resources’ turn-around time

View how quickly resources turn around jobs on average for a specified period

Pay incentives based on original page production

View jobs for a specific time period, broken out by resource, and provide resources with their own copies of these reports

View resource production via invoices

View invoices for a specific time period, broken out by resource, and provide resources with their own copies of these reports

Show insurance companies their invoices by law firm

Produce reports for insurance companies breaking down their invoices by client

Rate clients based on order history

Generate reports rating clients on original and copy orders

See which miscellaneous services your clients are buying

View miscellaneous sales charges totals & averages by client

View gross profit by client

Get a quick feel for how your business is doing

Analyze your business’s profitability

Get an instant snapshot of your business for today or any other time period; compare current time period to previous time periods