
Contains functions for customizing RB

Lesson #110
Customize your RB setup

You can run your business using the setup defaults that RB includes. Or use this module to edit them, delete any you don’t need, and add your own options to tailor RB to your work processes. You can update any Setup function at any time. In this module, you can:

  • Customize lists by adding, editing, merging, and deleting list entries. Set the default entry that appears in any field tied to a list.
  • Set up users, store work-related and personal information about them, and give them user names and passwords to access RB. Group them according to their access levels and job functions, so they can perform their jobs and receive internal messages. 
  • Customize the default Chart of Accounts to match your general ledger or accounting software.
  • Set up service items and group related service items so you can locate them quickly in their subgroups when billing, instead of scrolling through a long, undifferentiated list of all miscellaneous service items.
  • Enter billing, pay, and rush rates for services, including e-billing information.
  • Set up billing rate groups for different categories of clients so you don’t have to scroll through all of your billing rate tables each time you invoice a client. Set up pay rate groups for resources too.
  • Group service items into billing sets to speed up billable services selection because you only have to choose the set, not each of the items individually.
  • Set the year’s pay dates and their corresponding cutoff dates for each pay period. 
  • Create your own invoice headers and messages for different circumstances.
  • Set up tracking items to match your production workflow, then define the steps each item goes through in your process.
  • Define preferences for how your RB-PDF transcripts will appear and what options they will include. Create multiple transcript preference profiles to cover different transcript requirements.
  • Create stamps like “Original” or ”Certified Copy” to apply to transcripts.
  • If exhibit file names and exhibit references in transcripts follow a pattern, for example they are numbered consecutively, save production time by setting up those patterns before producing hyperlinked transcripts.
  • Set up exhibit stamp templates that will automatically include RB job information and number PDF exhibits sequentially.
  • Set global preferences for difference features in RB.
  • View your RB subscription billing history and individual invoices, increase or decrease your user licenses, pay overdue invoices, and manage your credit cards used to pay for RB.

Setup functions by name

TL;DR: Customize RB to match your business better.

RB concepts in this lesson

Job: Usually the reporting of a deposition, but can also be any kind of service you provide with your reporters or other resources. More >

RB-PDF Transcript: PDF version of a transcript with built-in transcript-specific features like hyperlinked exhibits, word lists/indexes, errata sheets, and enhanced headers/footers containing case and depo information.

Service items: Regular charges that you bill to your clients are called service items in RB.

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