
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Account Overview: Grand total charts that display cumulative amounts and interactive line graphs that give a month-by-month comparison of the financial and job activity for a firm, a single contact at a firm, or a resource over a period of time. Grand totals for receivables and future jobs are displayed in firm and contact listings; grand totals for payables, future tasks, and in-progress tasks are displayed for resources. Interactive line graphs display revenue generated, jobs scheduled, jobs canceled, and jobs that occurred for firms and contracts; they display earnings, assigned tasks, and canceled tasks for resources.

Additional pay: Payment to resources for miscellaneous services not charged on posted invoices. For example, you pay a resource for parking at a deposition without billing the client but you want the payment tied to the job’s invoice.

Administrator: RB user who has access to and control of all areas of RB. You can have any number of RB administrators, but each RB system must have at least one administrator. Administrator rights include setting up user accounts, assigning users to groups (which authorize what actions users can perform in RB and what kinds of notifications and messages they receive), and setting global system preferences.

Alias: Link in RB-PDF Transcripts to related exhibit that can be either a word or phrase used to reference the exhibit.

All-Resource Repository: Where you store files you want to share with all resources, such as blank billing sheets, copy order forms, and instructions.

Award Points: Used to encourage clients to book with your agency by rewarding them with points for different services. If you have RB Connect, you can allow contacts to request point redemptions online. (Also referred to as reward points.)


Billing Rate Groups: Umbrella structures aimed at categorizing your billing rates. Instead of one long list of billing rates, Billing Rate Groups create a series of shorter lists to search through when invoicing clients.

Billing rate tables: Amounts that you charge for services are organized into tables, so you can charge different clients different amounts for the same service items by applying different billing rate tables.

Billing Sets: Like a fast food combo meal, RB Billing Sets are preset groups of service items. Selecting billable services by set, instead of individually, speeds up the billing process.

Bill To Contact: The contact responsible for paying the invoice for a job. This contact could be the same as the Ordering Contact or scheduling contact (Scheduled By), but also could be a different person at the same firm or a person at a third-party firm that is paying the invoice, such as an insurance agency.

Bill To Firm: The firm responsible for paying the invoice for a job. This firm could be the same as the Ordering Firm or Scheduling Firm, but also could be a third-party firm, such as an insurance agency.

Blocked Resource: Resource that a particular firm or contact does not want assigned to tasks on jobs they schedule or order from you.

Business Unit (BU): One of your company’s revenue centers or any entity in your business that you want to track separately, such as branch offices, other companies you own, affiliates, and profit-sharing operations.


Calendar: Schedule of depositions and other services you provide to clients. Can be viewed as a list or monthly calendar.

Case Status: Stage a case is in, e.g., In Progress or Settled. You can designate your own case statuses in RB.

Case Type: Categories of cases by work type, e.g., Civil or Personal Injury.

Client Of: If resources bring in their own clients, you can assign client firms and/or individual contacts at the firms to their resource. You can also designate Client Of resources in cases. Use Client Of to pay reporters commissions on their clients’ or assigned cases’ jobs, whether the reporter handled the job themselves or not. You can also give reporters right of first refusal on their clients/cases’ jobs by displaying unassigned jobs from their clients/cases in the reporters’ online calendars in RB Connect.

Contact: Person who works for a firm you do business with, such as attorneys, paralegals, secretaries, legal assistants, claim adjusters, and court clerks. See also Bill To ContactOrdering Contact, and Scheduling Contact.

Cutoff Date: Last date for invoices to be included in a pay date. Default is the date of the invoice, but you can use the date invoices were paid for a single resource or all resources tied to a business unit/multiple BUs in your company.


Data Reader: Create custom reports with RB data in other applications using this optional RB9 plug-in. More >

Date Type: Depending on the function you are using, you can choose to see results for different date categories, such as the date a job was scheduled, the date it was canceled, or the job’s scheduled date. Other date types include when something is due, when a file was uploaded to the repository, and when an invoice or payment was posted.


Entity: Individual, business, place, or discrete part of your company, such as revenue centers or branch offices. More >


File Name Pattern: How files linked to an RB-PDF Transcript are named. It includes the common (shared) portion of the name and optionally the numerical file sequence which is designated with a ?.

Firm: Company you do business with. They schedule depositions with you, e.g., a law firm, or they are a third party that pays you, e.g., an insurance company. But they can be any business you provide services to, including other court reporting firms, vendors, corporate clients, and courts. See also Ordering Firm, Parent Firm, and Scheduling Firm,

Full-Text Search: Clients can search for specific text in their RB Connect repositories and Transcript Packages, and get results in seconds with this plug-in. When they locate the right file in their repository, they can download it. Requires RB Connect. More >


Grant Access To: A contact’s seniors, i.e., contacts you designate who can access this contact’s RB Connect activities.

Groups: Categories of RB users that define who can access which functions in RB, what they can do within accessible functions, and what kinds of notifications and messages group members receive.


Have Access To: Contacts the contact is senior to, i.e., contacts whose RB Connect activities you have designated that this contact can access.

Header Group: Parent structure that contains related invoice headers as its children.


Idea Collaborator: This online forum for RB users to submit feedback and suggestions for improving RB has been moved inside RB and renamed Suggest Ideas. OMTI’s development team monitors this forum and uses client suggestions to determine future RB development. Suggestions with the highest scores from RB users get priority.


Job: Usually the reporting of a deposition, but can also be any kind of service you provide with your reporters or other resources, such as realtime, videoconferencing, or read & sign. Jobs can be linked to cases, linked to other jobs, or stand alone. More >

Job Entered Date From/To: Date range of when a job was added to the calendar, not when the job is scheduled to occur.

Job Status: Stage a job is in, e.g., New or Cancelled. You can designate your own job statuses in RB.

Job Type: Categories of jobs requested by clients, such as Deposition or Real-Time.


Linked Jobs: For services you will bill separately, such as video done by a third party of a depo, set up a linked job instead of a task. Linked jobs are separate jobs on the calendar, but because they are tied together, you will be notified when a depo is confirmed that there is a linked video job, so you can confirm the linked job. Or if the depo is canceled, you can cancel the video job too and notify the videographer.

Location: Place where jobs occur, such as court rooms, hospitals, schools, doctors’ offices, or private residences.

Location Type: Categories of locations, such as doctor’s office or private residence.


Mail Composer: RB’s included email app for emailing contacts, resources, locations, and other RB users from within RB. You can customize the email contents and include attachments. You can send individual emails or send emails in batches.

Manager: Used with the Tracking function, RB user responsible for overseeing a tracked item through the system.

Master Word List: A word list shows the words appearing in a transcript and the number of times they appear. A Master Word List compiles word lists from multiple RB-PDF Transcripts belonging to a case into a single word list.

Message Group: Parent structure that contains related invoice messages as its children.

Module: Group of related work functions.


Notation: Short codes (up to 24 characters) you create yourself to give key information about a job (such as “V” for video, “RT” (for realtime), “1 of 2,” or “Daily”) in a results grid, so you don’t have to click into a job’s detail window.

Notes Logs: Un-editable internal-use only notes entered either by a user or automatically by RB appear in chronological logs in the database record where they occurred, such as a case, job, invoice, or entity. More >


Ordering Contact: Contact at the firm that is responsible for a job with your company. Also referred to as the Sold To Contact when invoicing. Can be different from the scheduling contact (Scheduled By).

Order Date: Instead of a job’s scheduled date, this category includes assignments for write-ups ordered for previously billed non-transcribed jobs.

Ordering Firm: Firm that is responsible for a job with your company. Also referred to as the Sold To Firm when invoicing. Can be different from the Scheduling Firm.


Parent Firm: Headquarters of a multi-branch corporation.

Pay Groups: Categories of time periods your company uses to pay resources, e.g., Monthly, Weekly, On Demand. Group resources according to their pay period (frequency) to reduce errors when running payroll.

Pay Rate Groups:  Umbrella structures aimed at categorizing the rates you pay resources, such as by experience levels, percentage paid on services, or affiliates. Instead of one long list of pay rates, Pay Rate Groups create a series of shorter lists to search through when invoicing clients.

Pay rate tables: Amounts that you pay resources for services are organized into tables, so you can pay different resources different amounts for the same service items by applying different pay rate tables.

Preferred Resource: Resource that a particular firm or contact wants you to assign to tasks on jobs they schedule or order from you.

Prefill: Save time when invoicing by having RB enter parties to a job and entering services billed from set menus of frequently billed together items.

Priority Level: Order of selection preference for resources. For example, resources on staff vs. affiliates.

Processing Fee: If you pay the credit card processing fee when a client pays an invoice by credit card, you record it as a processing fee in RB. If you pass the fee along to the client, you record it as a surcharge.


Query Gallery: Library of database queries published by RB9 developers and users for anyone to download and use in Query Maker for generating reports from RB9 data instead of writing queries from scratch.


RB Connect: Online repository, calendar, and access to your office for clients and resources, including interactive transcripts, downloadable invoices and e-commerce for clients, and online turn-in, one-touch job acknowledgements, and downloadable pay statements for resources. RB Connect is an optional plug-in to RB9. More >

RB Connect Mobile: Clients and resources can access your RB Connect on their smartphones and tablets in an interface optimized for mobile devices. RB Connect Mobile is an optional plug-in to RB Connect. More >

RB-PDF Transcript: PDF version of a transcript with built-in transcript-specific features like hyperlinked exhibits, word lists/indexes, errata sheets, and enhanced headers/footers containing case and depo information from your RB database. It can be branded and customized extensively to match client requirements; and can include digital signatures, condensed transcripts, security restrictions, stamps, and archival formats for the courts. More >

Reference No. (for resources): If a reporter or other resource (such as an agency which works for other agencies) bills you for work done, enter their invoice number as the reference number when turning in jobs so they will know which of their invoices you are paying and which are outstanding by the reference numbers on their pay statements and Total Payables Report.

ReporterBase Digital Signature Proxy (RB-DSP): Free digital signatures for reporters and agencies that agencies apply to RB-PDF Transcripts. Reporters retain control of their signatures while agencies are able to apply the signatures through their normal production process. RB-DSP is a free and easy way to apply digital signatures to electronic transcripts efficiently in-house while maintaining the integrity of the signature. More >

Repository: RB has 9 repositories where you store files for safekeeping and quick retrieval. When you store files in a case, they are in RB’s Case Repository; when you store files in a job, they are in RB’s Job Repository; etc. If you have RB Connect, you can give clients and/or resources access to specific repository files.

Resource: Person or thing that provides your business with a service, such as reporters, videographers, interpreters, scopists, proofreaders, account executives, other agencies that cover jobs for you, or a conference room.

Resource Type: Profession (such as Scopist, Proofreader, or Interpreter) and other categories of resources.

Reward Points System: Used to encourage clients to book with your agency by rewarding them with points for different services. If you have RB Connect, you can allow contacts to request point redemptions online. (Also referred to as award points.)


Scheduled By: Contact who initiates a jobs with your company. This scheduling contact can be different from the Ordering Contact.

Scheduling Firm: Firm that initiates a jobs with your company. Can be different from the Ordering Firm.

Service Groups: The most commonly used billable items for court reporters, such as Original or Copy. These main categories are preset by the system and cannot be modified by the user. The catch-all Misc. Charge Service Group is where you enter billable service items that are not a separate Service Group.

Service items: Regular charges that you bill to your clients. Service items are listed on your invoices to provide itemized details for your clients and third-party payers. In-house, they provide information to help you analyze your revenue streams.

Service Item Master: List of your firm’s services. More >

Service Item Subgroups: RB Service Groups are further broken down into subgroups where related service items are grouped together. This saves time when billing, because instead of scrolling through a long, undifferentiated list of all of your miscellaneous service items, you can locate individual items quickly in their small subgroups.

Sold To Contact: Contact that ordered the services on the invoice. Usually the Ordering Contact on a job.

Sold To Firm: Firm that ordered the services on the invoice. Usually the Ordering Firm on a job.

Specialty: Skill or specific expertise required for some jobs, such as medical reporting, Spanish, or realtime.

Surcharge: If you pass along the credit card processing fee when a client pays an invoice by credit card to the client, you record it as a surcharge in RB. If you pay the credit card processing fee yourself, you record it as a processing fee in RB.


Tags: Labels you create in RB to organize entities with relevant, searchable keywords or phrases. Tags are especially helpful in classifying firms for marketing purposes and contacts for customer service treatment.

Task: Service requested with a job, such as reporting, interpreting, or video, that require a separate resource (person, company, thing) to accomplish. Work performed in-house (such as creating condensed transcripts or shipping out finished products) is usually not considered a task in RB. More >

Tracking: System for keeping track of where production items are in your production cycle and physically in your office.

Transcript Package: Bundle containing interactive transcripts with all of their related files (exhibits, videos, RB-PDF transcripts, etc.) to be viewed in a browser through RB Connect and RB Connect Mobile. More >


Users: You and your staff who directly access RB. Contacts and resources are different entities — not users in RB — and access RB9 through RB Connect or RB Connect Mobile.


Witness Record: Deponent, proceeding, conference, or video/audio recording. Each witness record is associated with a task and the resource who performed the task. You can enter an unlimited number of witness records for one job in Turn In.