Category Archives: Tools

Find other RB users

Look up contact information of other RB users to share work with and network

Monitor your use of digital signature proxies

Monitor your usage of reporters’ digital signatures

Invite reporters to grant you signature proxy

Invite reporters to share their digital signatures with you so you can apply them to their RB-PDF Transcripts.

Add boilerplate text to notes without typing

Eliminate redundant typing by creating templates of boilerplate text for job and case notes

Import RB9 data directly into QuickBooks

Import RB9 entities, invoices, paychecks, and payment transactions into this popular accounting software

DIY reports: Create your own RB9 reports

Perform custom searches of your RB9 data­base, and create your own reports from the results

View emails sent from within RB9

While RB9 does not include a full email program, it does log most automatic emails sent through the system so you have a paper trail

Keep your own copy of RB9 files

Back up your RB9 database to your desktop

Keep a record of repository downloads

Monitor repository usage by in-house staff as well as by clients and resources as required by general security rules for business applications

Locate notes made anywhere in RB9

Search notes globally in RB9