Pay incentives based on original page production

View jobs for a specific time period, broken out by resource, and provide resources with their own copies of these reports

Lesson #89
Reports – Original Page Production function

This simple report lists all jobs (including the page count) generated for the specified period, grouped and subtotaled by resource. If you pay incentives to resources who produce more than certain number of pages per month, use this report to get the totals you need.

The default Original Page Production report lists all jobs that resources produced original transcript pages for today, with each resource starting on their own page and a separate grand totals page at the end. The report is designed so that you can distribute the individual pages to your resources for their records.

Under each resource, the report lists their relevant job(s) with the job number, job date, case name, witness name, and number of original pages produced. The report’s footer displays the searched by job date (today) above the timestamp.

Use search criteria to generate different reports

You can generate the report for a different date range, a single resource, and/or one or more of your company’s business units. The report’s footer will display which search criteria you used to generate the particular report with the exception of blank search fields, ALL list selections, or if generating a report for a single resource. If you select two or more items in the Business Units list, the report will display that as “(multiple values selected).”

You can search for a word or phrase in the onscreen report. RB9 will highlight all instances of your searched word/phrase in the report and list them in a scroll box along with the page number where they occur. Export the report in a variety of formats to save it and/or edit in another application, or print it.

NOTE: This is an RB9-only function. It is not included in RB Lite.

TL;DR: View jobs for a specific time period, broken out by resource, and provide resources with their own copies of these reports. 

RB concepts in this lesson

Business Unit (BU): One of your company’s revenue centers or any entity in your business that you want to track separately.

Job: Usually the reporting of a deposition, but can also be any kind of service you provide with your reporters or other resources. More >

Resource: Person or thing that provides your business with a service.

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