Tag Archives: Post Invoices

Batch post & archive invoices

Instead of posting invoices as you create them in Turn In, save time by posting them in batches

Lesson #32
Billing – Post Invoices function

Instead of posting invoices one at a time in Turn In, you can save time by posting in batches in Post Invoices. You can also archive the invoices to your repository as you post them.

Finding & reviewing invoices

You can view all unposted invoices or restrict your list to invoices in a specific date range and/or for selected business units. You can include COD invoices in your search. You can also look up individual invoices by job or invoice number.

Invoices in the results are color coded by job status plus you can see at a glance if you didn’t calculate an invoice in Turn In in the unposted invoices list, then calculate it here with the click of a button before posting. You can preview invoices from the list. Other information in the results grid includes:

  • Invoice number
  • Invoice date
  • Invoice and pay amounts
  • If the invoice is for originals
  • If the invoice is COD
  • If the invoice needs calculation
  • Date sent
  • Job number
  • Job date
  • Job status
  • Business unit
  • Case
  • Sold To firm and contact
  • Bill To firm and contact

You can sort your results in the grid by one or more columns in ascending or descending order (but when you exit the function RB will revert back to the default order). Export the list as an Excel spreadsheet or a CSV (comma-separated values) file to save, print, share, or use in other applications.

Posting invoices

Post any or all invoices at the same time — and archive them in your repository in the same process if desired. When posting you have the option to send invoices to the clients at the same time. RB will automatically open the Send Invoices function with the posted invoices selected. You can choose to email the original or current invoices — or print them for sending via other methods.

To reduce errors you can turn on an RB option in System Preferences that will alert you when an invoice does not have a pay rate applied to it — or the total pay amount is 0 — and you attempt to post it.

Before posting, you can:

  • Preview invoices. If you styled the text in invoice messages and third-party direct billing notes (such as bolding text or adding color), your styling will appear on the invoices.
  • View any invoice’s details.
  • Edit some invoice information, such as the date, message, and insurance/e-billing information.
  • Upload/download/manage files in the invoice’s repository.
  • Monitor repository activity. See which clients can access a file in the repository, who has downloaded it, and when.
  • Look up and make notes in the invoice’s Notes Log.

After posting an invoice, it will appear in Receivables and RB financial reports. Once posted, an invoice cannot be deleted.

TL;DR: Save time by posting invoices in batches. You can archive and send them at the same time.

RB concepts in this lesson

Bill To Contact/Firm: The contact/firm responsible for paying the invoice for a job.

Business Unit (BU): One of your company’s revenue centers or any entity in your business that you want to track separately.

Notes Logs: Un-editable internal-use only notes entered either by a user or automatically by RB appear in chronological logs in the database record where they occurred such as a case, job, invoice, or entity.

Sold To Contact/Firm: Contact/Firm that ordered the services on the invoice.

Listed under Billing, Function, Lesson | Tagged , , , , , ,


This small module focuses on efficiently finalizing, managing, and sending invoices to clients

Lesson #31
Finish invoice process started in Turn In

The Billing module is one of the smallest modules in RB. Its focus is on managing and sending invoices prepared in Turn In. What you can do in this module includes:

  • After preparing invoices in Turn In, you can finalize and post them from Turn In or in Billing. The main difference is that you can speed up the process by posting in batches in Billing.
  • You can also batch email or print original and current invoices,  and archive original invoices in the repository.
  • Billing is where you edit, preview, email, and print COD invoices.
  • Transfer invoices between clients when there has been a mistake in addressing the invoice to a client, instead of voiding and re-billing.
  • Export invoices in LEDES 98B format for clients who require electronic billing that complies with LEDES standards. 

Billing functions by name

TL;DR: Use Billing to post and send invoices in batches, plus send COD invoices, correct billing mistakes, and prepare invoices in a LEDES format for electronic billing.

Listed under Billing, Lesson, Module, Modules | Tagged , , , , , , , ,