Category Archives: Setup

Automate hyperlinking exhibits in transcripts with patterns

Customize automatic exhibit linking in RB-PDF Transcripts

Create custom stamps for PDF transcripts

Apply stamps like “original” or “certified copy” to PDF Transcripts & exhibits without leaving RB9

Create profiles to generate PDF transcripts that meet different requirements

Set up different transcript profiles that include specific preferences to meet your clients’ needs.

Define steps in your production workflow

Customize the Tracking function by delineating the steps involved in processing service items

Provide more information on invoices with custom messages

Don’t miss the opportunity to communicate with clients that invoice messages offer

Override standard invoice headers with your own custom headers

Create custom invoice headers to meet all of your business needs, and store them for quick reuse

Designate your company’s pay dates for the year

Set the year’s pay dates and their corresponding cutoff dates for each pay period

Group service items for faster billing

Configuring Billing Sets is an essential step in accurately and efficiently billing your clients when turning in jobs

Pay different resources different amounts for same services

Pay rate tables make complicated pay structures easy to apply and accurate

Shorten billing time with stored billing rates

Set up multiple billing rate tables so you can automatically charge different amounts to different clients for the same service items based on prices you negotiate with clients