Tag Archives: cancellation

Notify resources of assignments & cancellations in batches

Save time notifying resources by emailing or texting a day’s worth of notifications at once

Lesson #11
Calendar – Send Assignment Notifications/Cancellations function

Instead of notifying resources of assignments as soon as you enter them in RB, do a day’s worth all at the same time. This will save your time if you have a lot of notices to send on a daily basis. Or maybe you prefer to wait to notify resources until after setting all assignments.

(You can also notify resources of cancellations the same way, but most likely you will do those individually as they occur to let your resources know ASAP that their jobs have been canceled.)

Notifications are sent via email or text or both. You can also print out notifications to hand out or fax.

Automatic attachments

Assignment notification emails automatically include the reporter worksheet for the task. You can customize the default worksheet — for example you can add the scheduling client’s email address — and create additional ones in Form Templates.

Before sending notifications use System Preferences to customize the subject line, the message and whether the worksheet is included in the body of the email, as an attachment, or both. You can include any text you wish, embed contextual RB data fields such as job location and witness name, add images, and style the text with fonts, text treatments, sizes, and colors. You can also customize the subject line and contents of text messages with your own text and contextual data fields.

Emailed assignment notifications can automatically include other attachments such as the relevant job notice or a shared word list, or you can attach files individually as you are sending an email (but RB will not send files over 20MB). In addition to setting up which file types will be attached (in System Preferences) you can also designate which types of tasks will receive these automatic attachments (in Lists). For example you probably don’t need to send word lists to resources handling your conference room.

You can also automatically include an iCalendar file with emailed assignment notifications that the resource can import into their own calendar. You can customize its subject line and description.

You can do the same customizations for assignment cancellations with the exceptions of no file attachments beyond the notice and no iCalendar file.

Emailing notifications

In Send Assignment Notifications/Cancellations, you can email assignments by day scheduled or job date (if you assign jobs the day before they should occur). Cancellation confirmations are selected and sent by cancelled date. If desired, you can refine your notification list to:

  • A specific date or date range
  • A single job number
  • One or more job types
  • One or more tasks
  • One or more resource types
  • One or more business units

The notification list displays each job’s number, date, task, start time, status, witness, resource, notified date, acknowledged date, ordering client, business unit, job type, and job location. Canceled assignments results also list the date each job was canceled.

You can sort your results in the grid by one or more columns in ascending or descending order (but when you exit the function RB will revert back to the default order). Export the list as an Excel spreadsheet or a CSV (comma-separated values) file to save, print, share, or use in other applications.

When sending notifications you have the option to attach additional files from either your desktop or RB’s Job-level Repository.

RB records emails sent in the Email Log function in Tools (RB9 only), so you can refer back to them later.

TL;DR: Instead of notifying resources one at a time, save time by emailing or texting a day’s worth of notifications at once.

RB9 concepts in this lesson

Business Unit (BU): One of your company’s revenue centers or any entity in your business that you want to track separately, such as branch offices, other companies you own, affiliates, and profit-sharing operations.

Job: Usually the reporting of a deposition, but can also be any kind of service you provide with your reporters or other resources. More >

Job Status: Stage a job is in, e.g., New or Cancelled.

Job Type: Categories of jobs requested by clients, such as Deposition or Real-Time.

Resource: Person or thing that provides your business with a service, such as reporters, videographers, interpreters, scopists, account executives, other agencies that cover jobs for you, or a conference room.

Resource Type: Profession (such as Scopist, Proofreader, or Interpreter) and other categories of resources.

Task: Service requested with a job, such as reporting, interpreting, or video, that require a separate resource (person, company, thing) to accomplish. More >

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Send job confirmations or cancellations

Send job confirmation and cancellation emails to clients, then track their responses

Lesson #6
Calendar – Send Job Confirmations/Cancellations function

As a courtesy to your clients— but also to check that your information is correct — send your clients Acknowledgements of Scheduling, AKA job confirmations, to let them know you have added their requested jobs to your calendar. You should also send cancellation confirmations for the same reasons.

In RB you can email these acknowledgements as they happen or save time by sending them in batches, especially if you deal with a volume of jobs every day or if it is your practice to confirm jobs the day before they are scheduled to take place. Use the Send Job Confirmations/Cancellations function to handle this process.

In Send Job Confirmations/Cancellations you can email job confirmations by day scheduled or job date (if you confirm jobs the day before they should occur). Cancellation confirmations are selected and sent by cancelled date.

The default list shows all jobs scheduled for today. Refine your confirmation list to a date range, single job number, particular job types, or specific business units. Search for canceled jobs using the same search criteria.

Automatic attachments

Confirmation and cancellation emails automatically include the confirmation/cancellation form. RB comes with default confirmation and cancellation forms that you can customize. You can also create your own.

Before using this function to send confirmations or cancellations use System Preferences to customize each type of notice’s subject line, the message, and whether the notice is included in the body of the email, as an attachment, or both. You can include any text you wish, embed contextual RB data fields such as the job date and case name, add images, and style the text with fonts, text treatments, sizes, and colors.

You can also automatically include an iCalendar file with the confirmation emails that clients can import into their own calendar. You can customize its subject line and description.

You can preview the emails before they are sent and attach other files when sending the emails. You can attach files from your desktop or from your RB Job-level Repository.

Managing confirmations & cancellations

When you send job confirmations or cancellations via email, RB makes an entry that includes the receiver’s email address in the job’s Notes Log. RB also records the email sent in the Email Log function in Tools (RB9 only) so you can refer back to it later.

After sending out job confirmation notices either singly or in batches, track the jobs in this function to follow up with clients and record their responses in each job’s status. You can double-check that tomorrow’s jobs are confirmed by reviewing the Status column at the end of the day for any jobs still waiting for a call-back or not confirmed.

In addition to the Status column the results grid displays each job’s:

  • Number
  • Date
  • Ordering client
  • Location (of in-person locations not Zoom details)
  • Business unit
  • Type
  • Date created
  • Date confirmed
  • Case
  • Witness

Canceled jobs also list the date the job was canceled.

You can sort your results in the grid by one or more columns in ascending or descending order but when you exit the function RB will revert back to the default order. Export the list as an Excel spreadsheet or a CSV (comma-separated values) file to save, print, share, or use in other applications.

TL;DR: Use the Send Job Confirmations/Cancellations function to send acknowledgement emails to clients in batches at the end of the day then monitor the jobs’ statuses and follow up with clients.

RB concepts in this lesson

Business Unit (BU): One of your company’s revenue centers or any entity in your business that you want to track separately such as branch offices, other companies you own, affiliates, and profit-sharing operations.

Job: Usually the reporting of a deposition but can also be any kind of service you provide with your reporters or other resources. More >

Job Status: Stage a job is in, e.g., New or Cancelled. You can designate your own job statuses in RB.

Job Type: Categories of jobs requested by clients such as Deposition or Real-Time.

Notes Logs: Notes entered either by a user or automatically by RB appear in chronological logs in the database record where they occurred such as a case, job, invoice, or entity. Log entries are your internal paper trail because every entry is stored and listed separately, and entries cannot be edited nor deleted.

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