Tag Archives: Insurance Billing

Show insurance companies their invoices by law firm

Produce reports for insurance companies breaking down their invoices by client

Lesson #87
Reports – Insurance Billing function

When insurance companies ask for a report that breaks down their invoices by law firm and attorney, you can provide this report. The Insurance Billing report lists each Sold To Firm’s invoices, including the invoice number, date, amount billed, balance, related job number and date, number of witnesses and pages billed, and the relevant case number and name. Each Sold To Firm’s listing includes their address and phone number to help the insurance company identify them correctly.

The default report lists each invoice billed directly to an insurance company (or other third party) that was posted today, grouped and subtotaled by client and insurance company, one insurance company to a page (or pages if they have more posted invoices than a page’s worth) with a Grand Total page at the end of the report. The report’s footer displays the searched by post date (today) above the timestamp.

You can generate reports for:

  • Different date ranges
  • Subsidiary firms that belong to one parent firm
  • A single Bill To Firm (i.e., the insurance company)
  • Firms in specific Billing Rate Group(s)
  • One or more of your company’s business units

Restricting the report to a single Bill To Firm or Bill To Parent Firm will generate the dedicated report insurance companies want.

The report’s footer will display which search criteria you used to generate the particular report with the exception of:

  • Blank search fields
  • ALL list selections
  • If you generate a report for a single resource

If you select two or more items in a list, the report will display that as “(multiple values selected).”

You can search for a word or phrase in the onscreen report. RB9 will highlight all instances of your searched word/phrase in the report and list them in a scroll box along with the page number where they occur.

Export the report in a variety of formats to save, share, or edit in another application, or print it.

NOTE: This is an RB9-only function. It is not included in RB Lite.

TL;DR: Produce reports for insurance companies breaking down their invoices by client. 

RB concepts in this lesson

Billing Rate Groups: Umbrella structures that categorize your billing rates.

Bill To Firm: The firm responsible for paying the invoice for a job. This firm could be the same as the firm that scheduled the job or ordered services, but also could be a third-party firm, such as an insurance agency.

Business Unit (BU): One of your company’s revenue centers or any entity in your business that you want to track separately.

Firm: Company you do business with. They schedule depositions with you, e.g., a law firm, or they are a third party that pays you, e.g., an insurance company.

Job: Usually the reporting of a deposition, but can also be any kind of service you provide with your reporters or other resources. More >

Parent Firm: Headquarters of a multi-branch corporation.

Sold To Firm: Firm that ordered the services on the invoice.

Listed under Function, Lesson, Reports | Tagged , , ,


Analyze your business’s productivity, profitability, and other relevant data

Lesson #82
Generate reports on all areas of your business

Analyze your business’s productivity, profitability and other relevant data. In this module, you can:

  • Get an instant snapshot of your sales and gross profit. Compare the current month-, quarter- and year-to-date totals to the previous period. Get total amounts for any period of time. 
  • View gross profit by invoice. 
  • View misc. sales charges totals & averages by client.
  • Generate reports rating clients on original and copy orders. 
  • Produce reports for insurance companies breaking down their invoices by client. 
  • View invoices or jobs for a specific time period, broken out by resource, and provide resources with their own copies of these reports. 
  • View how quickly resources turn around jobs on average for a specified period.
  • Generate reports of all jobs with completed tracking steps within a specified period. 
  • Analyze productivity by item, by step, by manager, or by resource.

Reports functions by name

TL;DR: Analyze your business’s productivity, profitability, and other relevant data.

RB concepts in this lesson

Job: Usually the reporting of a deposition, but can also be any kind of service you provide with your reporters or other resources. More >

Resource: Person or thing that provides your business with a service.

Listed under Module, Modules, Reports | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , ,