Tag Archives: Sales Commission Report

View sales commissions as a report

View all invoices that include a commission, grouped and subtotaled by resource or sales rep (account executive)

Lesson #72
Payables – Sales Commission Report function

In RB9, you can pay sales commissions to 2 groups of people:

  • Sales representatives/account executives (Sales Rep resources)
  • Resources who bring their own clients to your business and should receive commissions on the revenue generated from their clients’ jobs, or are assigned to receive commissions on jobs from specific cases (Client Of resources)

The Sales Commission Report report lists all invoices that include a commission, grouped and subtotaled by sales rep or Client Of resource. A commission is automatically generated from invoices on jobs initiated by a sales rep/Client Of resource’s client.

The default report list all invoices posted today that include sales rep commissions. It includes commissions on both originals and copies, and doesn’t deduct resource expenses from commission calculations.

Customize report views

You can also view reports:

  • For different days or date ranges.
  • By payment post date instead of invoice post date.
  • For Client Of resources.
  • For a single sales rep or Client Of resource.
  • For originals only if you do not pay commissions on copy sales.
  • For copy sales only.
  • Excluding resource costs if you pay commissions based on RARE (Revenue After Resource Expenses) or NIBO (Net Income Before Overhead).
  • For one or more of your company’s business units.

Depending on your search conditions, RB9 lists all of the relevant invoices as a report, grouped by sales rep/Client Of resource, with each having their own page(s) and a grand total page of all commissionable amounts and commissions. The report’s footer will display which Date Type and date range you used to generate the particular report.

The report breaks out ordering firm and contact, invoice number and date, whether a commission is for original or copy, job number and date, commissionable amount, commission, case name, and Sold To firm. In addition to the report subtotaling commissionable amount and commissions by resource, each resource’s total is further broken down into subtotals for ordering contacts and firms.

You can search for a word or phrase in the onscreen report. RB9 will highlight all instances of your searched word/phrase in the report and list them in a scroll box along with the page number where they occur.

Using the report

In addition to looking up details about sales commissions, you can use the report to help you adjust commissions in the Override Sales Commission function, and in other ways:

Voided invoices and invoices for which you have issued credit memos or debit memos are listed at the end of each person’s commissions as adjustments so you can void, decrease, or increase the commissions if desired. (You also have the option when voiding or issuing a credit/debit memo on an invoice to not alter the commission, then that invoice will not appear in the Adjustment list.)

Export the report to save it, give to resources, edit in another application, or print.

NOTE: This is an RB9-only function. It is not included in RB Lite.

TL;DR: View all invoices that include a commission, grouped and subtotaled by Client Of resource or sales rep (account executive). Invoices that may require an adjustment to the commission, such as voids, are listed separately for each person.

RB concepts in this lesson

Business Unit (BU): One of your company’s revenue centers or any entity in your business that you want to track separately.

Client Of: Resource that receives a commission for jobs their clients scheduled or that are part of a case the resource was designated as the Client Of resource. You can also give reporters right of first refusal on their clients/cases’ jobs by displaying unassigned jobs from their clients/cases in Resource-side online calendars in RB Connect.

Contact: Person who works for a firm you do business with.

Firm: Business you provide services to, usually law firms.

Ordering Contact: Contact at the firm that is responsible for a job with your company.

Ordering Firm: Firm that is responsible for a job with your company.

Resource: Person or thing that provides your business with a service, such as reporters, videographers, interpreters, scopists, account executives, other agencies that cover jobs for you, or a conference room.

Sold To Firm: Usually the Ordering Firm on a job.

Listed under Function, Lesson, Payables | Tagged , , ,


Perform payroll and other pay-related tasks

Lesson #63
Manage & monitor accounts payables+

Use the Payables module to not only cut checks for resources, but to also manage and monitor payroll, sales tax obligations, and reward points for clients. In this module, you can:

  • Perform payroll tasks.
  • Audit pay statements.
  • Adjust resource pay on an invoice or generally on payroll (such as a bonus or re-curring repayment of an advance).
  • Adjust sales commissions on individual invoices.
  • Close payroll and send resources pay statements via email or regular mail.
  • Cut payroll checks, direct deposit paychecks, or export payroll to QuickBooks. 
  • Review gross pay amounts and adjust as needed before printing 1099s from RB9.
  • Generate forms and reports pertaining to payroll, including for sales commissions, miscellaneous pay not charged to invoices, and outstanding payables.
  • Generate sales tax reports.
  • Reward your best customers with points like airlines and credit cards do, based on the business generated by their calls to you. Monitor, adjust, transfer, and redeem points.

Payables functions by name

TL;DR: Perform payroll and other pay-related tasks.

RB concepts in this lesson

Award Points: Used to encourage clients to book with your agency by rewarding them with points for different services.

Resource: Person or thing that provides your business with a service.

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