Tag Archives: Send Resource Pay Statements

Send resources their pay statements

Create pay statement reports for both your office and resources

Lesson #67
Payables – Send Resource Pay Statements function

After closing payroll, archive a copy of the final version of the Resource Pay Statements report for your reference, then either email or print and mail resources their individual pages of the report.

This function looks like the Pay Resources function where you generate draft pay statements and close payroll. You select the current pay date that you closed in Pay Resources, and the screen displays the Pay Group and cutoff date associated with the pay date selected, so you can double-check that you selected the correct pay date.

The results list all resources to be paid in the current payroll, along with the amounts to be paid. You can deselect any resource listed whom you do not want to pay at this time. You can click any resource to view their details, for example to check that they have an email address in their listing.

You can sort your results in the grid by one or more columns in ascending or descending order (but when you exit the function, RB will revert back to the default order). Export the list as an Excel spreadsheet or a CSV (comma-separated values) file to save, print, share, or use in other applications.

Generate a report for your records

After reviewing the on-screen results, you can generate the report for your records: The report lists each invoice (to be paid for the specified payroll), grouped and subtotaled by resource, with each resource starting on a new page. The last page of the report lists the grand total amount for all resources included in the report.

You can search for a word or phrase in the onscreen report. RB will highlight all instances of your searched word/phrase in the report and list them in a scroll box along with the page number where they occur. Export the report in a variety of formats to save and/or edit in another application, or print it.

After making a final copy of the Resource Pay Statements report for the office, send resources their pay statements from the same results list.

Provide pay statements in the format resources want

You can email resources their pay statements, or print and mail/hand out the statements along with their paychecks. If you will email some pay statements and print others, you will need to send pay statements in 2 separate batches. And you probably don’t have to produce pay statements for any resources that are not people, such as your conference rooms.

In addition to having the email/print option for pay statements, you can also choose to send either summary or detailed pay statements. Summary statements only include invoice totals. Detailed pay statements break down invoice totals to include their service items’ details (number of units, pay rate, and subtotal).


To email statements, you select which resources will receive the emailed statements, then select which version, summary or detailed, the selected resources will receive. Before sending the statements, you can preview and/or edit each pay statement email, change the sender, and attach additional files. Or if you want to make global changes to the pay statement email template or the default sender address, update them in System Preferences.

When the statements have been emailed, RB notes the outcome for each resource in the Result column. Any statement that failed to send displays the results in red so you can easily see what is wrong. RB also generates an automatic entry in each resource’s Notes Log recording the date, time, and user who sent the email. And RB9 records the emails sent in the Email Log function in Tools, so you can refer back to them later.


If you want to give resources their pay statements with their pay checks, select which resources will receive the printed statements, then print out the static report in either summary or detailed form.


Save time and money with online statements. If you have RB Connect, resources can view their pay statements (current and past) online, eliminating the need to print or email statements.

TL;DR: After closing payroll, send resources their pay statements via email or by printing and handing out/sending as snail mail. Plus archive a final copy for your records.

RB concepts in this lesson

Cutoff Date: Last date for invoices to be included in a pay date. Default is the date of the invoice, but you can use the date invoices were paid for a single resource or all resources tied to a business unit/multiple BUs in your company.

Pay Groups: Categories of time periods your company uses to pay resources, e.g., Monthly, Weekly, On Demand.

RB Connect: Online repository, calendar, and access to your office for clients and resources, including interactive transcripts, downloadable invoices and e-commerce for clients, and online turn-in, one-touch job acknowledgements, and downloadable pay statements for resources. More >

Resource: Person or thing that provides your business with a service, such as reporters, videographers, interpreters, scopists, account executives, other agencies that cover jobs for you, or a conference room.

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