Tag Archives: Transfer Invoice

Transfer posted invoices to other clients

Correct a misaddressed invoice by transferring it to the correct client, instead of voiding the invoice and re-billing

Lesson #35
Billing – Transfer Invoice function

Transfer invoices between clients when there has been a mistake in addressing the invoice to a client, instead of voiding and re-billing.

Find the invoice you want to transfer to another client by its invoice number, date, job number, case, and/or your company’s business unit(s).

Invoices in the results gird display their information in all of the search categories plus:

  • Invoice amount
  • Balance
  • Post date
  • Sent date
  • Bill To and Sold To clients
  • Job date
  • Void date

You can sort your results in the grid by one or more columns in ascending or descending order (but when you exit the function, RB will revert back to the default order). Export the list as an Excel spreadsheet or a CSV (comma-separated values) file to save, print, share, or use in other applications.

Transfer options

You have several options for transferring invoices. You can change the:

  • Firm responsible for paying the invoice (Bill To firm)
  • Contact responsible for paying the invoice (Bill To contact)
  • Firm which ordered the services billed on the invoice (Sold To firm)
  • Contact who ordered the services billed on the invoice (Sold To contact)

You can transfer a posted invoice even if it has already been paid.

TL;DR: If you billed the wrong client, transfer the invoice to the correct client, instead of voiding the invoice and re-billing.

RB concepts in this lesson

Bill To Contact: The person responsible for paying the invoice for a job. This contact could be the same as the Sold To Contact, but also could be a different person at the same firm or a person at a third-party firm that is paying the invoice, such as an insurance agency.

Bill To Firm: The firm responsible for paying the invoice for a job. This firm could be the same as the Sold To Firm, but also could be a third-party firm, such as an insurance agency.

Business Unit (BU): One of your company’s revenue centers or any entity in your business that you want to track separately.

Job: Usually the reporting of a deposition, but can also be any kind of service you provide with your reporters or other resources. More >

Sold To Contact: Usually the person who ordered a job.

Sold To Firm: Usually the firm that ordered a job.

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